A single API for time-series metrics

Pull data from monitoring, marketing and SaaS tools using just one common API

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Integrates with metrics APIs from various tools:

Metralyze connects with your tools

Use one API to pull data from your favorite tools that offer time-series metrics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to start collecting data from my tools?

For each tool you want to access through the Metralyze API, you need an account or API token in that tool. For example, for Instana you will need to create an API token.


Can Metralyze configuration be automated?

All configuration in Metralyze is available via API. That means that watchers, SLO definitions and connections be managed from within CI/CD pipelines.


How can a common API work across different tools?

Metralyze focuses only on time-series data, which is characterized by having a set of time-stamped metrics together with a number of dimensions that give context for those metrics. Many monitoring and analytics tools offer the same kind of data. What we do is to offer a common query API and data format that works across all tools that we integrate with.


Is Metralyze a commercial product?

Yes, Metralyze is already being used by companies to monitor time-series data and report on SLOs. However, the product is currently in "private beta", meaning that we are only accepting a small number of additional users as we scale up the infrastructure. Contact us to discuss your use cases.


My favorite tool isn't connected yet.

Contact us for options on how to set up connections to time-series APIs that we haven't connected yet.


About time-series analytics

"There is nothing permanent except change" - in an ever-changing world of digital products and services, time-series data is essential for monitoring changes in behavior of humans and machines. "Time-series data" is what we call series of time-stamped records that reflect how certain measurements (metrics) change over time, and where those measurements were taken (dimensions). IT monitoring tools capture massive amounts of time-series data. Web analytics tools capture time-series data. IoT systems capture time-series data.

Time-series data is everywhere, but it's under-used: There is often too much of it for humans to process, and the data is most often siloed inside of disparate tools. That's too bad, because all time-series data has one thing in common: time! Using timestamps, we can correlate changes in one area (for example, customer conversion rate) with changes that happened to take place at the same time (for example, an increase in page load times or error rates).

With Metralyze, we want to change that: by connecting systems that collect time-series data and making it easy to access that data, we open the door to advanced analytics across different functions:

  • Collect data from all your tools that have time-series metrics APIs
  • Make it easy for humans to investigate cause-and-effect relationships based on metrics
  • Automate such investigations in order to scale human attention: train robots to keep an eye on your most critical metrics
  • Automate actions based on changes in behavior, trends and thresholds in metrics